Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Kids

I came back to school today and was overwhelmed by the welcoming of the children. I stood inside the class while 25 little ones ran to me shouting over each other, their latest bits of news and shoving each other to get just a little touch of me.
"Ms. Thomas I lost a tooth!"
"Ms. Thomas my dad slept on the couch!"
"I got a hair cut!"
"My mum made pasta last night!"

Nothing is cuter than little kid strokes on the arms and whispers of "are you better?" "we missed you" "how are you now?"

I was lucky enough to also have a teaching partner who roped the kids into making get well cards for me throughout the time I was off. I came back to a basket full of sweet nothings written by tiny hands. This is why I have an inflated sense of self-esteem:

1 comment:

  1. I thought we were responsible for your inflated sense of self esteem.
