Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Loved and Lost

I wanted to write a new post today about something that happened then I realised I hadn't written since August and I feel there is something I need to touch on before I can continue writing.

In April I moved in with the three greatest guys I have met in a long time...possibly ever. I consider myself extremely lucky to have been part of such a loving, dynamic and unique house. When I moved in, I was in a difficult place in my life and through their acceptance and humour, I made it through.

Now the time in the house has ended - visas changed, people moved away - but I am so grateful to them for bringing me back to life. The last six months have been some of the most important in my adult life. To them, it was probably just life as usual but to me, everything had changed.

I felt it was wrong to skip through that time to the next chapter before addressing my gratitude. I will probably never be that lucky again with flatmates again but I am so appreciative to have ever experienced it at all.

Love you 278 boys and seeeeyyyaaaahhhhh!