Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fried Green Tomatoes

This morning should have been a major indicator of how my day was going to go, but as a glass half full girl, I really didn't anticipate the worst.

I bought new heels for my too-long pants I have for work. I picked out a super cute outfit in which my shoes matched the colour of my shirt exactly and I was looking good. I stepped outside and saw for the first time, it had snowed in Reading. My shoes were open-toed. Sucky, but I thought I could deal, plus if I changed my shoes, my pants would be, well...too long. So I trounced along, but the ground was so slippery, I could go half the speed I normally go to make the 7:01 train.

I finally made it, and to my surprise the train was delayed! What larks! That NEVER happens. So I could catch my train after all. Until I felt a giant snag in my stride, which jarred my delicate hobbit-foot from my shoe. I quickly slid my foot back in, but could not lift my heel. The heel of my shoe had lodged itself in a grate in the platform. Immediately panic set in, and I am not sure as to why because I wasn't in anyone's immediate way and I was not on train tracks, as so often is depicted in made-for-tv-tragedies. I pulled so hard with my foot, but it was not budging at all. I didn't want to use my hands yet, because that would have turned everyone's eyes to me. I stood there. I then really started to panic and used my one hand to pull up on the heel, all while masking my actions as me inspecting my shoe, not REALLY pulling at it. The train pulled away. As soon as it cleared the platform, I yanked my foot out, crouched, and with all my might, pulled with both hands. Only after 3 or 4 intense yanks, did it shoot out of the grate.

I caught the 7:25. I now know what kind of fear the kid in Fried Green Tomatoes was feeling.

The rest of the day progressed as painfully. I was in a year 1/2 class of THE worst behaved children. They also had uniquely Muslim names, which made attendance last about 20 minutes in the morning. After each name that I butchered, all the children shouted "NOOOOOOO HAHAHA IT'S NA-HEE-NA-NA-JA!" You know the power struggle has already been won, when the children know you can't even yell their name if they are being shits.

Longest day. We will see what becomes of tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am so sorry you had a crap day, and all on top of your pnemonia (sp?)...but, your misadventures and follies give me such a chuckle and such excellent fodder for stories.
    So I hope your tomorrow is better, and I will have to get my laughs from someone else's problems.
