Friday, November 5, 2010

I love me some museums

Five museums in two days. Not so bad. Although after all the walking, I have been crashing on my bed around six every night. I am exhausted too because I have to stay awake relatively late to talk to any of my loved ones on skype. Today, I was at the Cole Museum of Zoology and managed to take some sweet shots. One particular photo, I needed to get more space because even at full zoom out, I couldn't get the entire display. Up until this moment, I was completely alone in the museum, with not a person in sight and it was so silent that the noise of my camera flash echoed. At this particular time, I take a large step back to get the picture I want and BOOM! I smash my entire upper body (including head) into the case behind me, just as a group of people walk by.

It was humiliating for four reasons:
-the loud crash my skull made on the glass
-the expression of surprise then pain that must have exploded onto my face, where the group of people could clearly see
-the age old display behind me, containing priceless specimens, was hit with such force that all the little things standing up in it fell over.
-in case the group were deaf and momentarily looking away, my camera still managed to take a picture with a huge flash, drawing their attention to me and the case

I fled the scene. Great picture though, no? (Snake skeleton)

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