Friday, November 12, 2010

Where Have All the Blue Pens Gone

When I moved here, I asked Sean if I should take a pencil case. He said no. I brought along one blue pen. I treasured this pen, it was one of those pens that you always seek out to use because it writes smoothly, you don't have to press too hard, it fits your hand exactly in circumference, and it is the perfect colour of dark blue. I used this pen a lot. Anyway, Pen was kept in the exact same spot when I got here and I never took Pen out of my room. Then two days ago I went to take down some information and Pen was gone. I used it two hours before on another note and I still had the note (to prove I wasn't misremembering)! I turned my room upside down looking for it. I mean, it is practically a cell, there are three places it could be: my bed, my dresser, or my counter. Gone.

So, after coming to terms with my loss, with my head hung I walked down to W.H. Smith, broke the bank, and bought TWO blue pens. I also bought a pen cup so I could store my new writers. Yesterday, I went to the pen cup and there is only ONE blue pen! What the fresh hell?! There is a blue pen whore in my room that is stealing away my writing utensils whilst I watch ER.

I will get to the bottom of this.

Also, at night my room is quite bright because I live on ground level and there is a street light that pours into my windows. I sleep every night with a sleep mask and every morning I wake up, without my mask on, and it has been courteously folded and placed on the pillow beside me. REM Katie is quite kind and tidy. I shall try to contract her out for other things such as look for Pen while I sleep.

Well...these are the stories folks. Not much happens when you sit by the phone, waiting to be called in to teach. Looking for Pen and waking up to a folded sleep mask three days in a row gave me quite a chuckle...

Let's all keep our fingers crossed the phone rings on Monday.


  1. Maybe Pinkball is using Pen to journal at night,and then wearing Sleep Mask in the wee hours of the morn after a long night of penning.
    Or maybe Pen is at the very bottom of your bed where all the kleenexes, toefluffs, socks, and crumbs end up.

  2. did you check Purse?
