Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hey Nostradamus!

Had a fabbity-fab day today!

I signed a Guaranteed Work Agreement with the London Office, so as of Monday, I will not be out of work again! They even raised my salary and expenditures because of the extra commute I have to do now. Win.

I had a genuine Seinfeld moment today on the train to London Paddington. A crowd was gathering on the platform to get on the train, so when it arrived, everyone dashed on trying to get a seat. The train from Reading to Paddington takes about 30 minutes, so people obv want to sit down. There were four seats in the train car I was in, and the first one I went to, a bunch of people dashed for. Then I switched my pattern and went to the next available seat. Again, someone sniped my seat, and in the process, shuffled me into the bike/baby carriage area where I proceeded to loose my footing and break my fall on a leaning bicycle. The bike toppled over and my only response was "OOOOOOOOO" rhyming with "glue" not an "OO" rhyming with "dough." The high-pitched nature of my banshee call, caused every head to turn and see what I had done. I of course ran into the next train car and hid in a chair around the corner. Unfortunately I was still in earshot to hear a woman say to the man next to her "wasn't it funny how she just went OOOOO?!" Then I was overcome with pride that my ridiculousness made such an impression that people actually talked about it after I left. Unreeeeeal.

Also today, I had my first meeting with the Singles Club aka Reading Central Library Book Club. I was surrounded by 30-something men and a 20-something chick who bugged full blast. Those men catered to me like I was Cleopatra. I was surprised no one busted out a palm leaf to fan me with. Anyway, there were some real duds but overall an intelligent conversation about the book "Hey Nostradamus!". I do not however, recommend reading it...ho hum pigs bum. As I was leaving, the bbol walked me to where I had to go, because I was so turned around in the dark. I went to put my headphones in when I heard my name called. One of the 30-something year olds called me to walk with him. 10 minutes and 7 awkward pauses later, I found out he is recently divorced, moved from London to Reading, and this was his 3rd book club meeting.

Making "friends" isn't always what its cracked up to be.

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo glad you had a fabbity-fab day because you are a fabbity-fab teacher and those students will be lucky to have you!
