Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Kids Are Alright

Well it's been a while (as Dub has reminded me). Things have been so busy lately that I haven't had a chance to update. Today was the first day that I realized I hadn't seen sunlight pour through my windows in nine days. I leave my flat every morning around 6:25am and get in around 6 or 7pm, depending on how late I have to stay after school. Either way, darkness surrounds me.

I absolutely love teaching. The kids are the cutest and they are just so funny. I have lucked out and been placed in an amazing school, so I have been a constant supply for them. I just found out I will be working everyday next week too, and two of those days will be in the fab school too. The staff is so small though, that I find myself hoping that one of them will have an accident, either an unwanted pregnancy or a broken leg/spirit so that they cannot return to work. That is the only way I can see myself getting a long term placement with them in the near future. I haven't quite reached the point of setting them up for these "accidents" but maybe with a few more weeks of commuting, Future Katie will take matters in to her own hands...I don't know, I am not her keeper.

The commute to my fav school:
-Every morning leave flat around 6:25
-Catch the 6:55/7:01 train to Paddington Station (approx 35 minutes depending on if the train is direct)
-Transfer to underground on the Circle/District Line
-Go one stop to Edgware Road
-Hop on Circle/Hammersmith line
-Off at Kings Cross
-Onto Northern Line - destination High Barnet, otherwise you are dealing with a new barrel of monkeys
-Off at Kentish Town
Whole trip takes about 1.5 hours, but has taken up to 3 hours one morning...

Like I said, a few weeks of this could lead me to kill a puppy so we will have to see.

Best quote of the week: When playing tag with the children outside, a boy came up to me and said "you must feel really sad that you can't even catch a 4 year old boy." He was taunting me. I could catch him...I was just being fair. I promptly tagged him and wrestled him to the ground. In your face kid.

Best name: Lord-Teon

Unfortunately now, I am beginning to get really sick with a cold/pneumonia. None of the sinks at the school have hand soap. I have resorted to carrying my own soap flakes to stay sterilized. I blame the past four days of only washing my hands under scalding water for this illness. I can't miss any school because I am only paid for days the school is open, and this term ends in 3 weeks. I need to save up my cash flow for the Christmas break. This is also unfortunate for the children, as I will be acting like the infected monkeys in the movie Outbreak, spreading the Phlegm Death to them. I will only take a day off if I am bleeding from the ears and even then, only if I can't patch it up with some cotton swabs. You better hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husband too...

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