Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Swan Lake Ballet

I am not a religious person by any means, but sometimes I wonder if there are signs that show us we are in the right place in our lives. Just now I had a moment that might be construed as some sort of sign.

About a month ago, I started to really get into classical music. I went on a website to look up influential songs or popular classical songs. I downloaded just over 120 songs and put them all in an album so I can shuffle through them.

Just now, I put my itunes on random and somehow I had not managed to hear every one of the classical songs I downloaded, because a song came on that immediately made me gasp. I had heard the song before, about 15 years ago with my grandma Jean. I used to have sleepovers with her when I was younger and they were one of the highlights of my childhood. We would stay up late (probably 9:30) watching old movies and eating huge bowls of chocolate crackle ice cream, then tuck into her huge bed with the fan blowing and fall asleep to classical music. There was one tape that she played and one specific song that I loved. Being about 8 at this time, I remember asking her at least four times what the song was called, having her say the name, and it being so long that I would forget and need her to repeat it again. She passed away not long after that and I never remembered the name of the song. It's hard to find a classical song if you don't remember any of the title, with no lyrics to google. All I could remember was the strings and how they made me think of water.

So, hearing the song almost 15 years later, I was immediately transported back into Jean's bed and I can remember exactly what the room looked like, smelled like, and felt like. Sign? Who knows. But why would I randomly stumble across it now?

The song, Act 1 Waltz from the Swan Lake Ballet by Tchaikovsky. Hearing more of the songs from the play, it was likely a tape of the whole musical that we listened to, because I am recognizing more and more. Great find.

For anyone who would like to listen:

Also listen to part 1/8 and 3/8, they are the most memorable to me.


  1. awww Katie, what a sweet memory. It did make me tear up a bit but how nice for you to have that moment in time back. Perhaps it is a sign. This time of year makes me remember her in so many ways.

    Your post reminded me of one of my favourite memories of you and my mum. Your mother left you at Grandma Jean's house for a couple of hours. You were fairly small and new to the family (only partially absorbed/assimilated). Mum had Pavarotti on the tape deck. You started singing along at the top of your lungs in a silly, mocking tone. Mum paused for a minute and looked at you. You looked worried like maybe you'd done something wrong and then she opened her mouth and joined in - also in a very loud slightly silly, mocking voice. You were both very loud and having a great time together. I remember thinking "This a perfect moment, this is a perfect family".

  2. K8T:
    For me, there are 2 times since we moved into our home that I know Jean has offered signs to let us know she is with us. So yes, believe in the Jean-signs. What a marvellous Christmas gift from her to you.(We still hear the silver Santa sleigh bell).
    On another note (get it- musical theme)- Leslie's post reminded me that you and Jean could share the most sublime goofy moments.
    I also recall one summer evening sitting around Jean's table when you and I were a delighted audience to the best Master goofs ever - Jean, Seanie, and Leslie - who were sharing childhood stories and having all of us in fits and giggles. And that was the best music ever.

    Merry Christmas everyone!
