Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final Destination...Death by Shower

If you have ever seen the movie Final Destination or even Saw, you will understand my sheer panic.
I was in my shower which is already a glass case of emotion, made for infants, when I pressed the button to turn on the water and nothing came out. I fussed about with the nozzle, the temperature dials, and all the settings, but nothing more than a trickle ran out. Showers in the UK are typically powered by this stupid box on the wall instead of taps, yet another clever invention of the British (not).

As I was about to retreat to my room, settling for being a grease ball for another day, I heard a high-powered piston-type sound, much like the sound of air breaks on a rollercoaster such as The Bat. I looked up, into the shower head which is directly above me when scalding hot water poured out over my entire body with such a force that I was blown back into the glass doors of my standing shower. I couldn't get out. The glass doors are on rusty old tracks which are impossible to maneuver even if flesh-melting water isn't running over your tender bits.

I instead, rolled back and forth against the glass until I managed to burn off just enough nerve endings to endure the pain long enough to smash through the glass latch and run sopping wet onto my bathroom floor.  I really felt like I was trapped and going to melt to death in this tiny shower, found the next day by my grungy boy room mates. In fact, there is a scene in Final Destination where two girls are burned alive in a tanning bed, very much the same as my situation. I turned off the shower, fiddled some more and settled for a freezing shower to stop my arms from blistering.

Here is the hell I am referring to:


  1. I see a trace of faint light pink on the wall where the lava nozzle that your toasty peeling flesh?

  2. You are lucky you survived! I imagine you will now be wrapped in pressure bandages and polysporin until your burns heal.
    That explains why Elizabeth I reputedly declared herself that she bathed once a month "whether I need it or not."
    For safety.

  3. Half a tick - there are a lot of brill British inventions:
    Catchy accents
    Great expressions like "bollocks", "F_k", Cockney rhyming slang
    Thomas the Tank
    Sticky toffee pudding
    Ricky Gervais, The Spice Girls, Monty Python
    Castles, castles and more castles
    So long, fare thee well, pip pip, cheerio!
