Sunday, January 11, 2015

Zero F*cks Given

Well I've started 2015 with a failure.

One of my resolutions was to write more...more specifically, write 31 blog posts in 31 days. I failed.
But guess what, I don't care.

Not because I don't appreciate my readers or believe in following through with a pledge, but because another one of my resolutions is to care less about things that don't actually matter in the grand scheme of life. To "Shake it off" as T Swift puts it so catchily.

I've decided to not give a f*ck as much as I used to about things that would have made me feel guilty or a little be ashamed before.

Someone said to me a few months ago, everything in moderation including moderation. Clever. And I agree. The now trending line of "zero f*cks given" is fantastic as it reminds us that some things that happen to us are really not that important. Some pledges we make and break with ourselves, just happen because life is constantly fluid. Previously I would have felt immense guilt for bailing on a resolution so early in the year but really, I flew back to London, I started working and I got tired. Dead tired. So I don't give a f*ck that I didn't write because now I can.

I vow we all give a few less f*cks about the small things but give a few more for people that are worth it.

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