Sunday, March 27, 2011


Friday night was unreal. A few of the staff went out for drinks after work and being is we normally can't control our laughter during a work day, a pub night was a gong show. One particular incident was a moment in my life that can never be recreated and its hilarity was brought about by fate - a perfect combination of timing and stupidity.

Rahela, Crystal, and I were at the bar having a conversation. We were physically close (Rahela was actually leaning on me for support) so there is no excuse for this level of miscommunication i.e. we can't say we couldn't hear each other, we just straight up weren't paying attention to what each other were saying. This is how the conversation went:

I initiated the talk - "Crystal what was that dance you had to learn in Australian schools? Hash nut brown? Brown hash nut? Nut brown? Brown hash? Hash nut? Hash... Jesus Crystal just give me a f****** hint here!"

*Background on this discussion, along with the Macarena, Kangaroo children had to learn a dance properly referred to as the Nut Bush by Tina Turner. This is the word combo I was looking for. At this moment, Rahela is staring into my eyes listening what appeared to be carefully and Crystal is shaking her head like "no" to all my attempts to get the name right, hence my explosion as I believed she knew where I was going with my line of questioning but just not helping me out.

Rahela then pipes up somewhere around my third attempt at the name, so talking over me and furthering my exasperation. All I hear her say is "VIBE!" And she does a "V" with her fingers.

*Background - Rahela thought the whole time I was asking Crystal's date of birth. She didn't know what it was so when she thought I changed the question to "What's your agency?" She responded correctly with Crystals agency name, "Vibe" and was excited she could participate in the conversation.

Crystal, who looks fully engaged with what both of us are saying, really wasn't listening to anything at all. She never heard the questioning or Rahela's VIBE explosion, only when we both looked at her expectantly did she realize we were waiting for her to say something and the last thing that entered her ears from a distant memory was "dance". She happened to say quite cooly, "Nut bush" and point her fingers at us.

Here is the perfect trifecta of ridiculousness. All occurring within a five minute time frame, three completely separate understandings of the dialogue falling from our mouths. At this realization, the three of us lose it and start laughing, Rahela and I more than Crystal. I can't actually contain myself and release my grip on the bar. This in turn causes Rahela, who is fully leaning on me to remain standing, rockets backward into the woman behind us, crushing her feet in sandals. I continue to laugh until two drops come out, and Rahela staggers back to the bar, still laughing. Crystal is the only one who notices the dagger eyes the woman is giving us. What I was surprised with is normally when I see a group of people laughing THAT hard, I can't contain my smile and kind of go along with them. This woman wasn't having it. She was a real stick in the mud, even with squashed toes.
The rest of the night was us bringing up how unreal the conversation was and how surprising it was that the dialogue managed to carry on for so long when all three of us were basically talking to ourselves. Nursery really has rubbed off on our communication skills.

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