Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Friend or Foe?

Spiders, friend or foe? I like to think friend as they eliminate many of my foes and the enemy of my enemy is my friend, however why do they have to move so creepily? I went to the bathroom last night and saw in the mirror THE biggest spider I have ever seen in my life, other than a Tarantula. It could have been a Tarantula for all I know, either that or it was the mutant arachnid that bit Peter Parker. If the decaying moth on my stairs was still alive, the battle between the two minibeasts would be unreal. I would pay to see that in 3D, as it wouldn't be far from an Alien VS Predator movie.
This bad boy wasn't just huge, but when I took in a sharp breath from being so caught off guard, it moved at an incredible pace down the wall to the floor. I fled from the bathroom immediately and now pay homage to it every time I enter for fear of it weaving me into a web while I shower. I won't be surprised if I soon start leaving out bits of spiced meats to keep it occupied while I use its home formerly known as my bathroom.


  1. Maybe spidey can be your new bed-buddy or bed-buggy and pillow-talk with you.

  2. If you haven't already read Hyperbole and a Half (which would be sad because it is soooo funny) check out this entry.
