Saturday, March 5, 2011

Café con aroma de mujer

Today on the train home from London, the people surrounding me were worse than a Spanish soap opera. It was THE most entertaining ride home I have ever had.
First, I sit down next to this girl who is about 20 and she starts breathing deeply and seems to be on the verge of a panic attack or vomiting, I am not sure which. She kept looking frantically out the window and then at her hands. It wasn't quite an I-am-high-out-of-my-mind inspection of her hands, more like a personal technique she employs to calm herself down. She kept pushing herself far back into her chair and against the cushioning of the seat and then letting out huge sighs. I sat back, taking it all in, waiting for her to explode like a volcano. Then it happened. She got up like a rocket and asked me to move so she could get out. She tumbled over my bags (I was sitting in the aisle seat) and burst down the row of chairs. When she got to the doors, some children were blocking her so she shouted, "LET ME OUT OF HERE" and they clung to their mother as she ran them over. After she was gone, the little boy's face screwed up and said "she was scary." She never came back to her seat. I am sure she was fine...
Then there was a man across the aisle from me, who had tattoos all over his hands (no judgement but he looked like a tough mother) got in a fight with the lady who checks train tickets. He apparently had the wrong ticket for that train and she needed him to pay the difference. After much hoopla and curses, he stopped, looked directly into her soul and said, "we will meet again, in this life or the next." I was scared for her and completely understood when she didn't check anyone else's tickets but bustled out of the carriage.
Finally, when the train pulled up to the lovely Reading, the young couple behind me were arguing how to get to some location and she said, "let's just take a cab." He said, "oh this will be good, why do we need to take a cab?" and she mumbled about her feet hurting from her shoes. He said, loud enough for everyone to hear, "Oh so not a big medical reason, just because you wanted to get tarted up tonight and wore stupid shoes that make you look ridiculous anyway." That was the end of their conversation, and possibly their relationship.

Can't wait for the next episode of my spanish soap opera, where I can just sit back and watch other people's lives go to shambles.


  1. Katie! I love this post! I felt as if I was on the train with you, watching people. You have such an awesome ability for describing your world. (proud Aunt gushes)

  2. Nut-bars cluster on the train almost as plentifully as at a public library.
    But they make for terrific fodder for your great anecdotes.
    (proud Mom gushes too)
    Hmmmm...comment seems to have lots of food-type words...must get snack.
