Sunday, March 27, 2011

Manic Monday

I woke gradually out of my sleep feeling very rested. This sent me into a panic, because I never wake up for work feeling this way. I grab my alarm clock and see it says 6:44 am. I normally wake up at 5:45 to catch the 6:45 train into London. I rocket out of bed, throw my hair in a pony tail and start stabbing my eyes with mascara. I am throwing things into my bag and rushing as fast as I can. Then I remember the time has jumped forward an hour on everything but my alarm clock, so it is really 7:44 am, and I should be at school in 16 minutes. I completely lose it wondering how I could have slept through two alarms (clock and cell phone) and finish packing my bag. It's then that I see the map of the museum I was going to go to on Sunday. Hmmm...why didn't I go to the museum? What did I do instead? Oh riiiighhtttt, it IS Sunday, not Monday and I WILL still go to that museum today.

 If it wasn't still Lent, I would have felt shame. I get back into bed and read for two hours to calm my pounding heart. I have already set my alarm clock for tomorrow, especially early.


  1. But what a sweet delicious relief as you climbed back into bed.
    Glad you enjoyed the V & A!

  2. Someone really should record the dumb-arse words we have to copy to verify our posting
