Thursday, October 28, 2010

Couch Crashing

SO I have been living on Samantha and Mark's couch for the past 4 days, with no end in sight. My flat aka the ol' shite hole has still not been cleaned. "The help" will not be available to clean it until Sunday now, as "Rosa" is out of town until Saturday. I have had to send some stern emails to explain my frustration. There is one ray of sunlight though, I should have my internet set up in the ol' shite hole tomorrow, so at least I will not be without the necessities when I arrive.
Mattress - no
Sheets - no
Lamps - no
Clothes hangers - no
Pillows - no
Internet - yes

Great success. Maybe by the year 2012, I will be settled in.


  1. Yes I have finally come this century and read my first blog. Looks like the beginnings to a really good book. Instead of Fawlty Towers, it would be Fawlty Trip.

    On the plus side, things can only get better.


  2. Oh I am so excited, it only took me three tries to post a comment.

  3. A big thank you to Samantha and Mark for their kindness - it sure gave us a peace of mind to know they were letting you extend your stay.
    When Sean and I visit - we would like to take them out for a pub meal.
    You might add to your list - handiwipes - you still don't know how many folks may be using your toilet.
    OCD Mom
