Sunday, June 30, 2013

Morning Harlem Shakes

I like to give myself a little laugh in the morning. You see, our school starts earlier than any other school I have ever known to exist. 8:00 on the dot, kids pour into my class. Which means I have to get to work a whole lot earlier.

In preparation, the night before I always calculate how much time I'll need to get ready the next day. If I have an idea of the outfit I will wear, I can shave off two minutes from my "get-ready." A ponytail day? Surrrreee - seven minutes off hair time (you can see ponytail's are a favourable option for this reason...). Have a tan? Five minutes off concealer time. Sweet, I can basically roll out of bed and off to the j-o-b.

I do however, have a paranoia about sleeping through my alarm, which forces me to set 3 different alarms with very different musical settings to wake up to. This is where I get very creative in my wake ups - I like to give "Future Katie" a chuckle. Recently, I have programmed my phone to begin my alarm with the Harlem Shake, to then move into the Arrested Development Theme, to some Taylor Swift - any will do, they are so damn catchy and pleasant. The Harlem Shake usually gets a nice giggle in the morning, and depending on how many hours shut eye I got, I might even get up with my own version of the Shake.

I might even leave myself a note, because at this time in the morning, your body is completely disassociated from the person you were the night before. It's as if a stranger planned these things for you, which would be very considerate if someone did do this for me - concept also gets a chuckle.

I wonder what I will think of doing for Future Katie tomorrow. Which song shall I choose? Maybe the Carmen Sandiego theme? Perhaps a Teach Me How to Dougie Remix? It is great to wake up to a song that you know has a specific dance to it. Really gets the laughs in the mornings...

It's the little things folks.

1 comment:

  1. From little things can come great rewards. A mummy're welcome.
