Saturday, November 24, 2012

Child Rejection

The worst kind.

In my class I have ONE child who does not like me one bit. No matter what I do, this kid is not having it. He seems pretty serious and not one for theatrics, which is where I think the problem lies. I tend to do a lot of gestures and voices when telling stories or singing songs, and all the other children fall into wild giggles. BUT not this one. I spotted him on the first day when everyone was laughing and joining in and through the slew of children I saw one still one. My eyes were met with a deadpan, unimpressed glare as one might see in a horror film. I called on him to join in and went over to help him do the actions. He confidently moved away and made it clear he will have nothing to do with my pathetic attempts to please him.

This has led me into a down-spiral of sadness as my exertions were always turned into failures. I pick him first for activities, I praise every dot he makes on paper, and I try to put out activities I know he will like. He runs over to the set out area to play with his favourite things and when I join him, he just looks at me with a smug little scowl and says "no" so firmly that I know there is no negotiation to be had. The worst is that usually the "no" is accompanied by an arm bar so he can keep me at arm's length. One time I was praising how well he coloured in a picture (I was lying) and he stopped drawing, looked up, put his crayon down and pushed himself away from the table. He walked away shaking his head. The shame.

On Friday, things were going pretty well (he could tolerate my presence). We even had to hold hands because he was at the front of the line when we walked to the play area. I thought I was in, so I presumptuously asked, "_____ do you like Ms. Thomas?" He looked up with cute brown eyes so full of thought...then furrowed his brow and asserted "no" and scampered off. Devastation.

I will conquer this task even if it kills me and it just might as Monday I am planning a series of acrobatics and tricks to gain his favour.

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