Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Endless Summer

My childhood was a seemingly endless summer. When I look back, all I can remember is suntans and screen door slams. We'd rush out of the front porch of my Nanny's house and the door would swing and slam behind us (much to my Grandfather's annoyance and occasional holler). I rarely remember a time in the winter; these memories also always seem to be paired with melancholy. But the endless summer memories, those are the greatest.

Perhaps that is another reason why my choice of career was so befitting to me. Five to eight weeks off every year to reset, recharge and centre myself. Some summers flash by in a blur or the specifics of how I squandered six solo weeks off in a foreign country, seem hazy. Meanwhile, other summers are pivotal and each day seemed to hold significance.

This summer was one of the latter. The 'Summer of Katie' (as borrowed from Seinfeld) had me rediscover myself after a painful year at my last job left me empty, tired and used up. So, it's with this that I begin my daily blog back up, hoping to get reacquainted with you (the reader) and myself.

But most of all, looking for laughter in the daily grind when I used to see it everywhere. To bring the endless summer spirit into the wintery months and try to hold on to the parts that are important.

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