Friday, November 29, 2013

Juice Master

About three weeks ago, I started the Juice Master Diet Cleanse. It is a complete juice detox that lasted seven days. To all you that say this isn't healthy…shut up. Let me also say that if you knew what I had been eating leading up to this detox, you wouldn't think it's nearly as bad.

In the book it suggests that you might feel some side effects in the first few days of the cleanse i.e. headaches, stomachaches, or crying in the shower. The biggest mini struggle I had to deal with is cravings. You have no idea how many different kinds of restaurants and foods you smell during a day while walking around, until you are starving.

At school, we have to eat with the children in the dinner hall. When juicing, this is the ultimate test. I know that Jesus faced some hard times in the desert, but I would take those 40 days with a serpent over watching a fussy eater pick at their fish and chips. Several shouts of "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO EAT THAT?!?" could probably have been heard down the hall. The kids did find my juicing quite amusing as I had a strict schedule of when I had to choke down these life sustainers. Once, a particularly nasty one made me gag and do a full body quiver when I was leading a shared writing table. The children then asked to all have a sniff of what I was drinking. After about the sixth child, I thought, maybe this isn't such a good idea. They are breathing all their little kiddie germs straight into the toxic brew I need to swallow to stay alive.

Well after a week, I made it and had shed several pounds as well. I do recommend it to anyone as it was the best I had felt in a long time and you are guaranteed results after only 7 days. The best part is it is a lifestyle changer if you want it to be, so I have been able to maintain and continue to trim down even after coming off the strict cleanse. If you want to jumpstart a diet or a life change, look into Jason Vale, his books will degrade you just enough to get you motivated but not as much to make you want to eat your feelings.

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