Sunday, January 6, 2013

Growing Up

All I wanted when I was younger was to be older. I remember saying at 10 with my cousin Megan, "let's pretend we're 17 and we are dating the Hanson brothers." Then as 17 got closer, my dreams kept getting pushed back. Daydreaming about being 20 and working in a music store, or dating someone famous or getting married and having kids by 23. Now I'm 25 but I haven't been able to wrap my mind around pushing dates back. I want to have kids before I'm 30. I want to own a house. I want to live near my family. I want to be established in my career. But here are the hiccups:
- If I want to have kids before I'm 30, I would like to be married. That means a wedding, which takes a year to plan. So even if I got engaged today I wouldn't be married until I am nearly 27. Then I don't want to have kids right away. I want to travel and see the world before mine becomes limited to my child's world. At the earliest we are looking at having a kid at 30. I want 4 children. So even if I have a baby every other year, I am looking at mid to late 30s.
-This entire plan also revolves around Mr. Right. Mr. Bond is great but we both have life goals that have to be met before we want to get married. So if that person wants to make other life goals, the plan is pushed back even further.
-Also it is unlikely at my age that I will date someone famous (besides Bond) or become famous. The cream of the crop is getting picked around what, 12 now? Yikes. I have 25. Womp womp.
- For careers - does anyone ever feel settled in theirs? I thought I would be killing it with teaching and be on the front cover of Education Weekly or Time Magazine. Nope. I still go day-by-day hoping not to say the wrong thing or scar my children for life.

Also, being nearer to 30 than 19 is a scary thought. I still think my Mum is 30, so the idea that she had me close to the age I am now makes me want to go back to the fetal position. I still identify myself as being a university student who lives a certain lifestyle, even though it has been a lonnnng time since I have come close to that way of living. I realized also that I have never learned or picked up on certain things. Things, I assumed that I would just somehow, one day know even though I have taken no steps toward learning them or gaining these skills in the meantime. I have compiled a list to fully round off my terrifying realizations.

1. Cooking - I can't do it. I always remember my Mum cooking these huge meals that were well-balanced and wholesome. I can cook 3 things and one of them is a salad.
2. Buying bananas - I can never get it right. When I want a banana, I go buy them realizing I have to wait a minimum of four days before they are the colour of my liking. I don't have that kind of foresight. I just go banana-less
3. Buying cards/presents on time - how do people do it months in advance or plan sending cards at the appropriate times. Even living in another country, which would hopefully make me think I need to send things even earlier, I can't. All of your Christmas cards will arrive in February. You're welcome.
4. Laundry - Every white shirt Bond has ever owned is now a bleak grey. When will I start seeing the value in sorting? If not at 25, then when???
5. Finances - I remember when I was in fourth year uni, my very conscientious friend Kaitlin had saved money her whole life to buy a house when she was older. She asked me how much I had saved. I hadn't. "That's for when I get older" was my actual response. Now I am older and none the wiser.
6. Hosting Dinner Parties - I realize this goes with cooking, but it also goes with owning a house, having friends where you live, and ultimately having a dining room/eating table. I don't even know how I would go about planning a meal for more than 2 people, let alone planning an actual time when a giant meal would be served. I never understood how people know when a meal will be cooked by. I mean, when it looks brown, I can eat it...right?
7. Math - who CAN do math? I saw a picture on the internet that described how I see math exactly. Here it is:

I am sure one day I will magically learn these things if I keep wishing for them when the digital clocks read 11:11 or when blowing out birthday candles. But now that I have told you...maybe my wishes won't come true. Nuts.


With a New Year already started, I have made a few resolutions. One of them is to promise myself to write a blog entry at least once a week. I think writing puts me in a better frame of mind and helps me concentrate on what is really important in life - observational comedy. I am also hoping the blog will motivate me to get through my book list this year. I make a reading list at the beginning of every kind of "life change" or "new time" such as Christmas holiday, Summer holiday, New Year, etc. I almost never get through the list. As shown in an earlier post, most of the books on my new list are still there. I am drawn in by new British book covers and book recommendations. Poor Teacher Man has been on my list for almost a decade. So I have resolved to finish the books on my list before agreeing to read any news ones. 
So here it is, the 2013 book list:

Now I also have a list of Recommended books but they will not be added until this list is done. This list also does not include the books I receive monthly from my Book Group that must be read before the second Tuesday of every month. I am sure with my daily 2 hour commute that I should be able to smash this list. 

If you have any comments from reading any of these books or suggestions please feel free to comment! Better get reading!